Acne is a very common skin disorder that is very much despised of by everyone. It happens more often in teenagers but may aslo affect people of all ages. Although usually it slows down and gone upon reaching the age of 30 but it is not uncommon for people of older ages to still get break outs even up to the age of 50.
Basically, acne is cause by the clogging of glands that produce skin oil. The result is the build up of sebum that causes infection and inflamation.
Occurance of breakouts is more evident in teenagers especially during the ages of puberty when hormones increase in both males and females. Increase in hormones during pregnancy and 2-7 days before the priod starts for the females is also very normal in young girls and adults that have blemish free skin otherwise.
Other factors that could contribute towards the appearance of acne are, stress, anxiety, greasy makeup, starting or stopping of birth control pills and hereditaray among others. Hard scrubbing, humidity and polution and squeezing of pimples will only make them worse.
So the best solution for acne-prone skin is to always keep it clean. Use mild cleanser in the morning and evening religiously. After a heavy workout, it is also recommended as the skin tends to produce more oil after such activity. Never touch your face for prupose other than cleansing it, if thats possible. Our hands are known to be never free from bacteria 99% of the time. Squeezing, pinching and picking will also leave dark spots on skin.
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